Tinton Falls, January 27, 2010 – The American Red Cross Jersey Coast Chapter has deployed husband and wife team, James and Sondra Lortz – both registered nurses and disaster volunteers - to provide health service assistance to those affected by the tragic earthquake that has hit Haiti.
Left to right) Leo Pratte Chief Disaster & Logistics Officer, Volunteers James and Sondra Lortz, Tara Kelly American Red Cross Jersey Coast Regional CEO -Moments before leaving for their assignment and saying their goodbyes in the Red Cross Disaster Operations Center.
Thousands of repatriates and evacuees from Haiti arrived at airports along the East Coast since Saturday. James and Sondra will be arriving in Orlando where they will check in at headquarters and find out their two week assignment for our Haiti relief disaster operation.
Residing in Wall Township, the husband and wife pair have been disaster volunteers with the Jersey Coast Chapter since January 1995. They have also been on many national assignments representing The Red Cross in the past.
For more information on how The Red Cross is aiding in Haiti disaster relief and how you can help, please visit http://www.jerseycoast-redcross.org/ or contact us at (732) 493-9100.
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and counsels victims of disasters; provides nearly half of the nation’s blood supply; teaches lifesaving skills; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization – not a government agency – and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its humanitarian mission. For more information, please visit www.redcross.org or join our blog at www.redcrosschat.org